Phone-773-648-7800      Email- [email protected]

Community Retail Association Policy Positions

The Community Retail Association has a dual purpose: first to advocate for and represent the interests of the member businesses, and second to cultivate sustainable community – business partnerships such that our member businesses can better integrate into their local communities and have a positive impact. We believe that policy and government, particularly local government, play a critically important role in our pursuit of that purpose; the CRA intends to work closely with Elected Officials at all levels to promote and advance sustainable, effective policies. It is our intention that the position summaries we put forward here will reinforce this purpose and drive meaningful, positive change that benefits our members and their surrounding communities.

Mutual Respect

CRA members are business owners which provide necessary goods and services to the communities in which they operate. In addition to this, our members have a respect and appreciation for their patrons and local government and do their part to support efforts to uplift the community both through their business efforts, with partnerships, as well as through local events. It is a central tenet of the CRA’s mission to advocate for our membership and ensure that local bodies of government both respect and partner with our members to support the mission of best serving the needs of the communities we operate in.

Health & Safety Code Violations

It is the intention of our members to always uphold the highest degree of health and safety measures to properly protect both patrons and employees. This being said, it is inevitable that oversights may occur and our members fully understand, agree, and comply with health and safety inspections. However, the current procedure for compliance and approval on issues identified in these inspections by the City of Chicago is deeply problematic. As it stands, there have been several instances where minor issues identified in our member businesses have led to temporary business closures, which in many cases last much longer after the issue is resolved due to a backlog and slow process for inspection follow-up, approval, and reopening. The CRA advocates for a process whereby in instances of identified issues upon inspections, a warning period is provided specific to the identified issue. For minor issues, the business can remain open during the warning period while taking necessary precautions to protect employees and patrons; at the deadline the follow-up and approval process may occur. A version of this outlined process is already implemented in many municipalities across Cook County and allows businesses to remain safely open while continuing to serve their communities and comply with inspection issues.

Business Liability in Local Crime

CRA members operate their businesses in many different communities, it is an unfortunate reality that some of these communities are riddled with crime, an issue that has only been exacerbated by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Our members have long empathized with their patrons and community members and done their best to utilize their businesses and influence to help make a positive impact on this issue and create safer communities for all, in which their businesses can continue to grow and thrive. As such, CRA members, their patrons, and the local communities should not be punished with business closures if and when a crime is committed near a business. Put simply, our member businesses are never the cause of these crimes and cannot control how and when they occur. The CRA is committed to working with local government, organizations, and law enforcement to create long-lasting, impactful change for safer communities.

Flavored Nicotine Products

The CRA is committed to advocating for the repeal of government regulation of the sale of flavored liquid nicotine products, specifically Sections 4-64-355, 7-32-010, and 4-64-510 of the Municipal Code of the City of Chicago. We cannot return to the mistakes of our past by banning products in this method. It is historically well documented that if demand exists for products banned in this way, it will be filled illegally by third-parties that may be promoting and dealing in hazardous, legitimately dangerous products. The health risks of flavored tobacco and nicotine products are well publicized, and we believe consumers can make informed decisions about the products they purchase and use, as they do with alcohol, marijuana, and tobacco products, which are widely available for purchase throughout the City.

Business Hours & Government Enforced Curfews

Our membership is committed to ensuring that our businesses are open and available to serve patrons in our local community. Many of our members have been forced by local government ordinance to open and close at specific hours. This action has a doubly negative impact: on the one hand our members face an undue negative financial impact as a result of having their business hours restricted and missing out on potential revenue, in some cases up to 35%, in addition to this, in many communities our member businesses provide necessities that local patrons need that are not otherwise available, thus negatively impacting the neighborhood as a whole. We advocate strongly that business owners should set their own hours based on the needs of their patrons.

***Add we do not support the city asking for owners to higher expensive security officers as a city ordinance. The owners have the right to hire as they see fit and should not be law.

MENA Minority Designation & Equity of Opportunity

The CRA is committed to advocating for the repeal of government regulation of the sale of flavored liquid nicotine products, specifically Sections 4-64-355, 7-32-010, and 4-64-510 of the Municipal Code of the City of Chicago. We cannot return to the mistakes of our past by banning products in this method. It is historically well documented that if demand exists for products banned in this way, it will be filled illegally by third-parties that may be promoting and dealing in hazardous, legitimately dangerous products. The health risks of flavored tobacco and nicotine products are well publicized, and we believe consumers can make informed decisions about the products they purchase and use, as they do with alcohol, marijuana, and tobacco products, which are widely available for purchase throughout the City.

Phone-773-648-7800      Email- [email protected]
Email- [email protected]
Copyright © 2022 Community Retail Assocation. A division of the Arab-American Business and Professional Association. All rights reserved